Gifts Bestowed by Grace
Grace, Spiritual Gifts Chrissy Mafrige Grace, Spiritual Gifts Chrissy Mafrige

Gifts Bestowed by Grace

“Over time, and I believe unintentionally, we’ve created our own criteria for those who we believe can best fulfill the will of God.” If our spiritual gifts are given to us in full measure by the grace of God, then who are we to apply worldly standards to Godly gifts? (Part 1 of 2)

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Sea Glass
Heaven, Loss, Marriage, Relationships, Pain Chrissy Mafrige Heaven, Loss, Marriage, Relationships, Pain Chrissy Mafrige

Sea Glass

These things I shared today with you are just a glimpse of all the radiant sea glass God revealed when the waves of sorrow and loss crashed over our head and swept our lives and hearts out to sea.

When I think of sea glass with the sun sparkling off of it, I think of the beautiful colors of all the precious stones in heaven. I think of you. I think of Chris.

Until we meet again…

Blue Eyes

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Called but Am I Enough?
Hope, Obedience, Enough Chrissy Mafrige Hope, Obedience, Enough Chrissy Mafrige

Called but Am I Enough?

I knew the conference was God’s preparation to have me step out into my calling and I just didn’t feel adequate or equipped, and the truth is I am still struggling. I kept thinking, God you know my brokenness and my baggage; I have made a lot of bad choices.  I have hurt a lot of people, some intentional and some not, including myself, on my path of self- destruction. God kept saying back to me, yes you have, and I am going to use it for my glory so get over yourself. I have forgiven you and I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you, not harm you. Plans for your future. You are ENOUGH, because I am ENOUGH.

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More precious than gold
Chrissy Mafrige Chrissy Mafrige

More precious than gold

Can you say SPOILED BRAT?

That is how I was feeling. That feeling, the prick of my heart from the Holy Spirit, led me to repentance, that ultimately led me to gratefulness. Gratefulness that God loves me enough to send a homeless woman, (an angel, a precious ruby) to speak hope and gratitude into my life from the streets of Houston.

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Muffin Top
Chrissy Mafrige Chrissy Mafrige

Muffin Top

Ok girls…so today I am struggling. 

I had an unbelievably awesome day.  We ran about 5 miles. I took a trip around the lake, went to some art galleries and had a fabulous dinner of sword fish. I know what you are thinking!!  All that and she must look fabulous. But… here I am… struggling.  Do you struggle too?

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I've Got The Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy...
Joy Chrissy Mafrige Joy Chrissy Mafrige

I've Got The Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy...

I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart! But do I really?  I certainly don't feel joyful.  My surrounding circumstances don't feel joyful.  If the Bible requires of us things we cannot immediately produce by our own power, does that mean joy too?  

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Even If...No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Chrissy Mafrige Chrissy Mafrige

Even If...No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Hide your heart so deeply in God that others will have to seek Him to see it and to understand the unconditional love you walk in.

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.  We are had pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair (at least not any more); persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 2 Corinthians 4:7-9

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The Beauty of Suffering
Chrissy Mafrige Chrissy Mafrige

The Beauty of Suffering

The image of the man in the mirror was created with limitations so that we might know the power and majesty of God, who has no limitations.  The maker of heaven and earth.  The ruler of ALL things.

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Do You See Me?
Chrissy Mafrige Chrissy Mafrige

Do You See Me?

Does your situation have you crying out to God “Do you see me?” Are you tired, worn-out; your heart, mind and body clothed in tattered rags? There is hope. There is a God who sees you even when you feel invisible.

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Breaking The Stronghold
Addiction, Children, Hope Chrissy Mafrige Addiction, Children, Hope Chrissy Mafrige

Breaking The Stronghold

In Matthew 10:37, the bible says, “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”  This verse struck my heart.  My sin piercing deep.  Great remorse spilled forth.  The sorrow of my sin that once again proved me unworthy of the grace Jesus so freely pours out on me.  I knew I loved Jesus, I knew I was saved by grace, but I wanted to learn to love Jesus more than anything, even my own flesh and blood.  My children.  

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Wherever You Go.....There You Are
Pain Chrissy Mafrige Pain Chrissy Mafrige

Wherever You Go.....There You Are

I am a “runner”...not in the literal, feet pounding the pavement sense.  Lord, no!  My self destruction path does not look like sweating to the oldies, mid summer, in the Texas heat.

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If He Can Use This Hot Mess
Relationships, Obedience Chrissy Mafrige Relationships, Obedience Chrissy Mafrige

If He Can Use This Hot Mess

Sin, shame, redemption. It’s my story. What is yours? It is time to take off your death clothes and live in the fullness of Christ and all He has to offer. He wants you to trust him even in your doubt and to surrender in obedience to His call on your life. What are you waiting for?

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Chrissy Mafrige Chrissy Mafrige


Do you have a hard time forgiving yourself?  I do!  Do you consider yourself God, able to dish out forgiveness to those you see fit but think there are different standards for you?  I guess I certainly did! Does that mean we consider ourselves above others that we would not be subject to temptation or the sin that was passed down through generations?  Are we blameless?

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Patchwork Quilt
Relationships Chrissy Mafrige Relationships Chrissy Mafrige

Patchwork Quilt

In the busyness of your life do you ever stop to think about the big picture? I’m guilty of getting caught up in my “world” and forgetting that God’s perfect plan includes a lot more than me and my world. When the stress of life is closing in I have to remember that God works good for all who love him, not to mention that his ways are higher than mine.

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