Generate Youth Camp 2022

My body hurts…all over.  I crawled into bed last night wondering when that happened.

I had some idea of what youth church camp would look like from my own camp experiences and the experiences of my children but I don’t recall this extreme body ache.  I guess that is the benefit of youth.

I spent the week worshiping, learning, participating and watching fierce but friendly competition.  I watched our young people grow closer into relationship with Jesus.  I watched some accept Jesus as their savior, some grow closer to each other and some realize they are world changers for The Kingdom of God.  We have an exceptional, eclectic bunch that love Jesus and each other well.

I can still feel the Holy Spirit as it moved across and in our group of kids this week in a way that adds hope and joy to my soul.

If I am honest I wasn’t really sure what this would look like for my broken mommas heart.  I see my son Chris in so many of these kids.  Would there be triggers?  Could my heart handle all the grief and joy that this week would surely bring.  Would my jealously that these parents still have their babies bubble its way to the surface.  What if I have a complete breakdown?  I sent a few of my friends a text telling them I felt like a duck out of water and I that I wasn’t sure at this point if they should be in prayer over me or over these kids that one of their “leaders” could have a full on, awkward melt down at any moment.  Knowing I would need a little extra processing time outside of the chaos, I chose to bring my own vehicle rather than ride on the bus with the kiddos.

This is what I found…

God has held me together even in this moment of reflection and tears and kept me from falling apart completely.  It has been so beautiful to see these kids embrace each other.  I have watched those that felt like they didn’t belong walk in to a group of “popular” kids with courage and bravery and be assimilated as if they were never missing.

I witnessed the “popular kids” show sensitivity to those that felt like outcasts.  I saw seeds planted in young people that didn’t even really know there was a Jesus who loved them beyond anything they could ever comprehend.

I watched a young person who perceives themself as “less than” reach over to a young person who portrays themselves as “popular” or “having it all together” but was falling apart, and gently place her hand on the other persons back.  Never said a word, just a gentle touch.  I wish I had taken a picture afterward but if you know Jesus, you can see that picture in your own life.

I saw Jesus.

Jesus who could have been boastful and prideful, look like he had it all together because he actually did, BUT, he made himself less than for all of us.

A gentle touch of a hand on our back that whispers “I am here, I will never fail you or forsake you, I see your brokenness.  I see your heartache, I see your dreams, I see your joys, I see your perception of yourself, I love you just as you are, I am here.”

What a beautiful experience.  I am thankful to a God who allowed me the opportunity to have my spiritual cup refilled to overflowing.  The opportunity to spend the time with and get to know young people that I have the blessed assurance I will get to spend all eternity with enjoying their fellowship and friendship as we worship Jesus face to face.

Much love,


***since writing this I have tested positive for Covid.  So, maybe the body ache is more virus than age.🤪 Six of our kiddos gave their life to Jesus and for that alone, I would do it all over again.


Generate Youth Camp Experiences


It Should Have Been A Mimi