Swept Up In The Waves

I am sitting in the sunshine on the beach watching the waves rolling in, no two waves alike.  

I marvel at God’s majesty remembering that He created the wind and the waves. 

In the midst of trails, as my heart turns inward, I frequently forget the magnificence of dwelling in the shelter of God.  

At some point we all get swept up in the waves of life.  Sometimes the wave is large. It crashes over our head and knocks us off our feet but we resurface quickly. 

Sometimes we see the wave coming and we confidently feel we can jump high enough to conquer it without it knocking us down.  The waves are powerful but somehow, we survive them.

As we move back toward the shore the gentle rolling waves usher us to the sandy beach. Our chair is stretched out and draped by the towel we know we can reach for as the sun sets and cools our burned skin.  We anticipate the warmth of the sun, the opportunity to relax before the next wave.  

All of the sudden, out of no where, a 50 ft wave sneaks up behind you.  Your feet are being pulled out from underneath you toward the horizon.

As the roar of the wave crashes over your head, all of your senses confused, you look for light and wonder if you will survive.  

The ocean tosses your body around like a rag doll.  Your face hits the ocean floor.  It abrades your skin.  The salt burns your nose, eyes and lungs.  You tumble head over heals wondering if this is THE cancer, THE illness, THE loss of marriage, THE loss of a spouse, THE loss of a child, THE financial ruin, that you will never recover from.  

You pray, crying out to God but are not sure He can hear you over the crashing waves.  

Then your feet find traction.

Your head breaks the surface, saltwater dripping down your face, stinging your eyes and nose.  

You gasp for breath confident that as you tumbled through the vortex of the wave crying out, the promises of God swept over you.

Knowing that the wave will hit again when we least expect it and the weight of our grief will be no less, but that God is there, in the midst of the salty ocean water churning with life.

This is grief friend.

This is loss you feel you will never recover from.  This is a shattered heart you are sure will never mend.

This is a God who is in it even when you can’t see it or feel it.  This is grace.

Much love,


“I will call on you, my God for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.” Psalms 17:6


It Should Have Been A Mimi


Collision of Grief and Gratitude