Prayer Wall 2022 - Week 9

Today brings new mercies friend. There is always grace to start over. Lean in as you lay it at the feet of God.  He is good and he is faithful.

Prayers/Updates/Praise Reports

  • Prayers over our leaders and Ukraine.

  • Prayers over all the Christian’s in Russia and Ukraine.

  • Pray that God would send REVIVAL!! Amen!!!

  • Be in prayer over our First Responders and Law Enforcement.

  • Healing over my right shoulder is getting better. Pray my job will be able to adjust my schedule to have Saturday’s off so I can spend it with my family.

  • Pray for peace, physical comfort from pain and my Dr’s appt. next week.

  • Prayers over two children that are being cared for by a family member. Prayers for the parents caring for these children as well.

  • I need prayers for a new career and prayers over my mother in law who was just diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.

  • Prayers for a Wish kiddos mom who is struggling with her mental health taking care of her wish kiddo child and newborn baby. Prayers for comfort and guiding reassurance.

  • Prayer for direction and healing over friend who lost children.

  • Prayers over marriage that God would bring about restoration and reconciliation.

  • Prayers for better time management and over my son as he looks for a new job. That God would open the doors He would have for him.

  • Continued prayers for my friend who lost her husband to COVID last August. She had a job interview and should hear back from them in the next couple of weeks. She is struggling emotionally and financially.

  • Friend is having trouble with her daughter who suffers with severe anxiety and other mental health issues. Please pray she will be receptive to medication if needed.

  • Praise report: I have a job offer and new relationship is going great!

  • Pray for rest and restoration for my friend. That God would open the door for her to take some time to have her cup refilled.

  • Mom is doing a little better, but still having some heart issues.

  • Be in prayer over my son. He has moved to another state and is struggling to find his way.

  • Prayer over dad who is having a heart cath on the 10th.

  • Praise report: good report from cardiologist for youngest son, all stable no change. Oral surgeon can remove clogged spit gland in sams mouth without general anesthesia. Middle son has a new girlfriend

  • Prayers over a young mom and her family. Mom is undergoing testing to see if she has cancer. Please pray for the dr’s to be sure about a diagnosis and her peace and comfort in Jesus! We are believing in total healing of her body in Jesus name!

  • Prayers: still looking for caregiver for younger son that is covered by insurance. Also trying to get home health, pt, ot and speech for him with no luck either dont take ins or service this area. I have been making a million calls getting nowhere. Healing for his heart and something for us to do to keep his mind busy (therapies etc).

  • Healing for my son’s ribs. He has two broken and the healing is very slow. He is having to take pain meds.

  • Continue to pray for Milo to get stronger so he can come home. He is still in NICU. Be in prayer for his mom too, that her work with be compassionate to her circumstances and flexible.

  • My mother-in-law has started the testing process to be considered as a kidney donor please pray for a match. (We are still wading through the process.)

  • Mom is fighting pneumonia from Covid.

  • Continue to pray for a momma named Michelle who lost her son Mikey in December. Please pray for healing over Michelle and the rest of Mikey’s family too. Just breathing is exhausting especially in the early days of loss.

  • Pray healing over a friend who had brain surgery on Monday 2/28.

  • Praise report: One of my boys that you have been praying over has been admitted to a year trial for his vision! He will go out to Philadelphia on March 24th. Pray for safe travels over he and my husband and for his medical team.

  • Pray for continued health and safe delivery for Daughter In Love and grandson due in May.

  • Son who is being shipped out with the Army to Poland for “training” in April. Prayers over his marriage and family, that it would stay strong, healthy and supportive so he can focus on his job while he is gone.

  • Pray for healing over the people that God leads to the new GriefShare Ministry that is beginning in our community.

  • Continue to pray for Payton’s complete healing from his cancer journey. (You can follow this little guys journey on fb @Payton’s Fight Against Cancer)

  • Pray for a quick healing over mom who had a c-section and her new baby. Pray continued blessings over their business and family as they adjust to being new parents.

Lord you know each one of these needs and the hearts that are crying out to you.  Thank you that you are a God who hears us and cares about our trials and our triumphs.  Pour your unmerited favor out on those who have committed to praying for others on the prayer wall this year.  May your will be done in each of these petitions we bring to the throne and lay at your feet.  Thank you Lord that you are God and we are not.  In Jesus Name…Amen

As you can see we have many ongoing prayer requests. We are praying for God’s will in each of these petitions before the throne and his perfect timing. Until then…pray on…

Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer.  If you have a prayer need please drop it in the comments or email me at

Much love,



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