Cheers To Your People

“When you find the right people, keep revealing your deepest self with them. After all, while vulnerability with the wrong sort of folks fosters feeling of inferiority and judgement, vulnerability with the right people builds trust, bolsters our feelings of love and brings hope.” Rhythms of Renewal, Rebekah Lyons

I am grateful for this reminder today. I struggle so badly with superficial friendships. Small talk is just not my thing. I long for connection. I’m all in...vulnerable, deep. It is the vulnerability and depth of those relationships that I am comfortable in.

I have learned, and am still learning, that God does not intend for every relationship in our life to look like the deep friend connection my heart desires. Those lessons have been terribly painful at times.

Have you ever invited that girl from church, work, or the gym out to lunch in hopes of getting to know her better thinking she was your girl? The one who wasn’t scared to go into the trenches with you or reveal her trenches only to find out she is that girl that is not even ready to admit that with life comes trenches?  The trench you just revealed too much for her to handle.

Pick me...Pick me...Here I am saying...yep, me too girl. I drive out of the parking lot I just to much? How do people maintain these superficial relationships? Where, God, do I go to learn the art of small talk?  I checked and @amazon is fresh out.

Although I have experienced great hurt, deception and loss of friendships I was sure were sent by God, until they weren’t, I don’t ever want to stop pursuing friendships that are vulnerable, trust worthy or deep.

I want to be “the friend (mother, mother in law, spouse) I long to have.”

The friendships that I thought I needed in my life but didn’t manifest themselves as healthy have made me I so very grateful for the friendships that have been vulnerable, brought trust, bolstered love and poured hope into my life.

If this is you friend, I want you to know you are not alone. There are people that God chose to be your people and there are people who hurt us and propel us to those people God chose for us.

Cheers to finding “your people”.

Much love,


#embracingthemess #rythmsofrenewal #friendship #hurt #deception #jesus


Will There Be Joy Again?

