Dear Friend by Cheli Greene

Dear  Friend,


Today I am writing to you about grief.  It is an all-consuming feeling of pain, a pain so fierce that you do not want to wake to it!  Mercy comes every morning.  The roller coaster begins again.  You want to make progress, but there is no drive to pick up the pieces.  Your family, friends, children want to have you back.  That person is gone!  The old you is forever changed.  This new you is raw and exposed everything you loved is gone.  The joy, the happiness, taken away in an instant.  Not being able to catch your breathe.  Knowing that tomorrow, if it comes, you will have to go through it all over again.  Reaching out to God and getting more into the Bible will help.  Counseling is a must when your brain realizes that you need help navigating through the grief process.  Time is a two-edge sword, it will give you the time to heal as you will need, but time stands still for no one.  While you are trying to cope the world is marching forward as you are looking to the past and all the memories you will ever have with the one you have lost.  God will lead the way with hope, but you have to be willing to reach for it! When someone tells you a story about your lost love that will be a treasured memory!  Something new that you had thought could not happen.  God will bring you joy! It starts with you and your attitude of gratitude.  God gave you that loved one as a gift just as he gave his son Jesus to die on a cross for me.  We will see our loved ones again because Jesus chose to come to earth to save me and you!


I hope this helps!


In Memory of Michael Greene - Forever 8


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Eternally Ever After