Passover Provision and Protection

“Then they are to take some of the blood (of an unblemished lamb) and put it on the sides and tops of the door frames of the houses where they eat the lambs.” Exodus 12:7 


“On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every first-born of people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt.  I am the Lord.  The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you.  No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.” Exodus 12:12-13


Today, Jesus, is that unblemished lamb that was sent to be sacrificed.  It is his blood that covers us and protects us.  


Years ago, I began the practice of pleading/taking the blood of the lamb and putting it on the door frames and windows of my house.  Not in the literal sense of sacrificing a lamb and using it’s blood but in an active practice of walking through my home, touching every door and window and pleading/praying the blood of the lamb (the blood shed on the cross by Jesus Christ) over our home.  My babies were little, and we were in a daily struggling just to keep the lights on and food on the table.  If I am being completely truthful, I was also in a spiritually battle that I brought on myself through my own sin. 

I vividly remember being under the attack of the spirit of fear.  I would wake in the middle of the night anxious and fearful for my children, my family and my future.  I would creep out of my bed and into my kids’ rooms, peer into their beds and pray over those sweet, sleeping humans God entrusted to me.  I would pray over their window seals and then quietly return to the hallway. I can still feel the tickle of the orange shag carpet between my toes as I wandered down the dark paneled hallway toward the living area.  I floated from room to room touching every window and every door, pleading the blood of Jesus over our home.  There was a huge picture window in our living room that I would stand at and look out into the darkness of the back yard and forest.  I would stop there and pray for God to send his mighty warrior angels to cover our home and protect us.  I would cry out for God to alleviate my fear and protect my family.  There were times I could stand there and see those mighty angels with their wings spread wide, tip to tip surrounding our home.  I could see the leaves in the yard stir under the power of the wind from their wings. The magnitude of their size and power would steal my breathe as the feeling of peace washed over me and I would quietly tiptoe back to my bed and go back to sleep.


There have been a lot of houses and life in between those days and today, but I still walk through our home and plead the blood of the lamb over our windows, doors, and marriage bed.  I walk through during the day, when my heart is anxious, and I walk through at night when I am awakened by the Holy Spirit and feel God calling me to intercede. When my son called and told me my grandson was waking with nightmares, I physically walked through their home as well touching and praying over every door, every window and their beds.  I physically walk through all the homes of my children when given the opportunity, but when I cannot physically walk through their homes, I still walk through every room in my mind touching every door and window, stopping to pray over my grandchildren’s beds and their parents as I pray God’s protection over them.  I have not seen those mighty angels with my eyes since I moved from that house, but I have felt their presence and I have no doubt they are there.  


I have to admit, the last few days, have been H-A-R-D.  I have found myself feeling unseen, restless, anxious, fearful and weepy.  It does not help that I have been battling cough, congestion and a sore throat since last Friday so I have not been able to exercise and now my husband is not feeling well.  This morning, still coughing, I decided to jump on a Sunday’s with Love ride with Ally Love.  Although it was tough physically, about halfway through the ride I found myself visually walking through my children’s homes and our home pleading the blood of the lamb over our windows and doors, my grandchildren’s beds and marriage beds.  It centered my heart and redirected me back to the cross.  Reminding me that God has given us the greatest weapon in heaven and on earth, the power of prayer and that he has promised us provision and protection through this terrible, terrible time. 


Friends, we are in unprecedented times.  Times we could not have envisioned or imagined, but I want to remind you, this is not unprecedented times for God.  He is sovereign over all.  Nothing passes through to us without first going through the hand of the Father.  Whatever it is that you need to do to keep your heart centered on Jesus, I want to encourage you to take the time to do that.  He hears your prayers, he sees your fear and your anxiety, he sees the death toll rising and he grieves with us as a nation.  It doesn’t feel good right now and you are probably thinking well, if he sees it and grieves with us, why doesn’t he stop it.  All I can say is, I don’t know.  I can only see the square of the patchwork quilt that God has designated as mine.  I cannot see the entire quilt or how the pieces connect to bring beauty from ashes, but God does and he who sent his son as a blood sacrifice for you and for me, always keeps his promises. Even in the “suck”, He is working everything out for our good and for the good of those who love him.  He is calling his people to turn their hearts back to him. Do you hear him or has the hardening of your heart silenced His cries as He pleads for your return?




Trustworthy In Spite of The Suck