Trustworthy In Spite of The Suck

I was digging into my Trustworthy Study this morning and was reviewing some attributes of God as I continue to learn to lean in and stand tall in God’s trustworthiness even in and in spite of the “suck”.


In the study, Lysa talks about these five characteristics of God. (**Note:  Parenthesis are quotes from Lysa) 


Peace, Knowledge, Wisdom, Righteousness, Unchangableness


I began to pray about how my faith in God and these truths of God’s character has affected my perspective during this time of chaos that is swirling around us right now.


Peace – God is not a God of confusion, fear or panic.  There is so much confusion, panic and fear in the midst of this virus it leads me to believe that it is a direct attack from the devil.  The bible tells us that we do not battle flesh and blood but principalities and that we are to pray in the spirit always.


Knowledge – “God knows ALL things” including the number of our days, therefore, we can trust that if we are saved and are called home to meet our Lord face to face, in the midst of this virus or another time, it will not be a surprise to him, but a welcome homecoming.  Until that time, we are to live with confidence that our work on earth is not done and keep running our race to the Cross. 


Friends, I know if you have experienced great loss, this can be a hard pill to swallow, especially when we lose our children, like I have. Loss on any level is devastating but is compounded when we lose a loved one to anything but age and a life well lived.  Even then….it still sucks and it hurts.  It often leaves us wondering how a good God could allow such a thing.  I get it.  These losses make it that much more important to lean into God’s character and truths.


Wisdom – “God will always choose what is best and the best way to accomplish his goal” in any situation, which is ultimately to take the message of hope and the Gospel to all nations and people.  God will use this pandemic for good and to further His Kingdom.  It will reveal God’s power, grace, love and sovereignty across all nations and nationalities, therefore leading people to the cross and eternal life.  As our idols are stripped and our prospective changes let us not forget that we were created for God’s pleasure and to promote his purpose and Kingdom.


Righteousness - “God is the final standard of what is right. He will always act in accordance with what is right.”  We see God’s righteous anger throughout the bible and his call for people to return to him.  I believe this pandemic is a call/warning for us to turn back to him.  He has given us clear instruction about idol worship, sexual immorality, killing unborn babies, pride and so much more.  Throughout history God has shown himself to be a just God and he has enacted consequences for mankind’s disobedience.  That leads me to believe that God will use this virus and pandemic to correct us and redirect our hearts.  Kingdoms and Kings will be raised, and Kingdoms and Kings will fall.  No man, good or bad, comes into a position of power outside of the authority of God. Sometime just like in 1 Samuel 8, against every warning of the consequences, we still cry out for a King of our own making.  We have a choice of the king we will serve.  Will we heed God’s correction, repent and submit to the ultimate King of Kings, maker of heaven and earth or will we submit to our own worldly desires, allowing our hearts to be hardened?  When we stand before God, and we ALL will stand before God, will you hear “My good and faithful servant” or will you hear “Depart from me, I never knew you.”


Unchangeableness – “God is unchanging”. His purpose and promises are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  He desires a relationship with all of His creation.


Food for thought….Based on these truths…


1.     Do you see an area in your life God is calling you to pay attention, turn away from, repent?

2.     Do you believe God is using this pandemic to teach us to drop the baggage and refocus our eyes on him?


I encourage you to examine your heart and step into God’s grace.  He loves you and even in the suck, I can promise you, he is working it all out for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  (Romans 8:28)


If God is for us, then who can be against us.  He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for all of us. (Romans 8:31)


For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God, that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:37-39)


I believe we are in a time of revival friends.  If you don’t know Jesus or you have moved so far away, God looks small (much like a plane looks like a spec in the sky, but as it draws near its size and magnitude are revealed), I want to encourage you to use this time to close the distance between you and the cross.  We are all just one breath away.


When you meet Jesus face to face will you see him in all of his glory, the magnitude of his power and love for you or will your perspective be just a spec in your life?


Salvation is just one step away from surrender.

If you have questions about salvation or your walk with God, feel free to reach out.  

Much Love,



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