
I woke to the sweetest vision of my grandson this morning.  A little boy that looks so much like his daddy, I often do a double take.  Big dimples and long eyelashes frame his face as he sleeps.

I grabbed a cup of coffee and headed outside to sit on the porch and enjoy the cool crisp morning air.  I am staying at old farm house built in the 1800’s that sits in the heart of Amish Country.  The cornfields stand tall as the birds dive in and out of them to eat their morning breakfast.

It has been a rough couple of months.  This spot on earth has quickly become one of my favorite places to retreat to when my heart is hurting.  This grandson of mine a healing salve for my broken heart.

As I sit here in the quiet writing, my heart swells thinking about how God meets our needs perfectly. Watching the birds, this scripture comes to mind, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

I have watch God provide for our needs and the needs of our family though the absolute worst days of my life.  Days when I have not had the energy nor desire to even rise out of bed much less, sow, reap or store away for myself or my family, but God keeps showing up and is provision does too.

I have resolved to get out and enjoy this beautiful, crisp fall day in the pumpkin patches and corn fields with my wild man, but first I wanted to take a minute to breathe in this truth with you…

When you feel sucked under by the suck of life, you can RELY on God to meet your needs even when you don’t have the energy to gather your food for the day.  RELY on the one who values you above the birds of the air.  He meets their every need and he will meet yours too, if you put your trust in him instead of your storehouse.

Much Love,



The Hum of a Thousand Bees


When Life Doesn't Feel Abundant