Giving, But Is It Your Best?

I’m on a mission to get my storage units cleaned out. It is a painful process for me because among the junk are precious memories of my Ron (my deceased husband) and my Chris (my deceased baby boy). It brings up a full range of emotions, from great joy to great sorrow. I find myself laughing one minute and in a heap of snot and tears the next. At this rate it could take me a lifetime to go through all the stuff, but I want to be in those moments. I want to feel that great joy and great sorrow because it reminds me of great love.

This morning, I opened a box to find some of Ron’s beautiful hand stitched leather coats. I could clearly hear God saying it is time to let go of them. There is someone in need. Then the dialogue turned to something like this “ok God, I hear you but these are exquisite, expense coats. Don’t you think it would be ok if I have them made into a purse or travel bags instead?”

How often do our selfish desires and our perceived value of things limit our giving to those in need? How often do we assess the value of things against the backdrop of need and sort our closets, giving less than our best to those God calls us to serve?

As I wrestled with God over those leather jackets, I could clearly hear the Holy Spirit saying “you are one of the least of these and I gave you my best, my one and only son to die on the cross for your selfishness. I expect you to give your best to the men and women living on the streets struggling to survive. They don’t care about how pretty or expensive that coat is. They care about the fact that it is warm and brings them hope to see another day. And I, GOD, care about the position of your heart and willingness to love and care for others as I have loved and cared for you.”

I had to fall to my knees in repentance.

These coats will find a home on the streets of Houston through Bridge Ministry this month. As we prepare for the change in weather would you consider giving. There is great need of blankets, coats, shoes, warm socks, small bags or rolling luggage.

Are you giving your best when God calls you to give or are you still sorting your closet looking for a little less than your best?

Much Love,


When Life Doesn't Feel Abundant


Gifts Bestowed by Grace, Part 2